22 Feb 2015

Nonsense sizes!

I explored Pokedex yesterday, and don't ask why! :DD

One thing they just can't keep together, is sizes. Every pokemon is either too big or too small. I hardly could ride Charizard! And Dunsparce.... little snakebuddy! or is it..? In games it looks very small, but when you want to learn more about this creature, and open the Pokedex page.. nope. NOPE.   4' 11"!!!!
And then there is another snake-a-like pokemon, that amazes me with its size. Dratini. WHAT!? 5'11''  Dragonair is 13' But our Dragonite is only 7'. WHE-WHERE DID THAT ALL GO!?

Joltik.... 4'' PATHETIC
Venonat.... 3'03'' WHAT!?

Maybe this is enough to show you guys, what makes pokedex so... unloveable?

19 Feb 2015

Long time no see!!

I'm back, my lil' pokeballs!

I have done some research, and i found out, that everyone just hates Trubbish. I can see why, but i still think it's kinda cute. Garbodor is a different case, but Trubbish is just cute. Okay, there is not much you can do with Trubbish, but look at it's teeth! Don't hate me because of this, i'm just trying to understand why u guys can't stand it. I'm asking only one thing: look at it again. Give it a little sympathy. It doesn't deserve all that hate. I blame Garbodor. It is U.G.L.Y. Trubbish may not have the best stats, or the most overpowered movepool, but don't hate it. Just don't. I'll have to start a campaign for Trubbish. Gamefreak, do something. Remove Garbodor, make it better, anything. Literally. Anything.

Just look at those teeth!!